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Game Attractant, Candy Apple, 2 oz

stdClass Object
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    [created_date] => 2022-11-30 23:58:48
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    [modified_date] => 2023-09-07 13:49:58
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    [product_name] => Game Attractant, Candy Apple, 2 oz
    [product_alias] => game-attractant-candy-apple-2-oz-9004102
    [product_desc] => Our Candy Apple was developed with the sweet tooth in mind. Big game love fruit and sugary sweets, so we have merged the two worlds together to bring you the Deadly Candy Apple. This is last snack big game will have on their minds when they walk into range.
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    [availability] => In Stock
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    [field_ispn] => 
    [field_mpn] => 9004102
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                    [title] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                            [0] => Custom Field 1 (UPC)

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            [field_mpn] => Array
                    [title] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                            [0] => Custom Field 4 (MPN)

                    [value] => 9004102



Game Attractant, Candy Apple, 2 oz

SKU: 9004102

Product Description

Our Candy Apple was developed with the sweet tooth in mind. Big game love fruit and sugary sweets, so we have merged the two worlds together to bring you the Deadly Candy Apple. This is last snack big game will have on their minds when they walk into range.